In hot weather conditions, the temperature at which you should run your air conditioner depends on your personal preferences, climate conditions, and energy-saving goals. However, generally, it is common to set the air conditioner to a temperature between 23-26°C (74-78°F) during hot weather.
Here are some factors to consider when deciding at what temperature to run the air conditioner:
Comfort Level: Temperature preferences can vary based on individual and cultural differences. You can experiment with different temperature levels to find the one that is most comfortable for you.
Energy Savings: Running the air conditioner at higher temperatures consumes more energy than running it at lower temperatures. To save energy, you may prefer to run the air conditioner at an economical temperature level.
Outdoor Conditions: The ideal indoor temperature can vary based on the outside air temperature, humidity levels, and sunlight. Considering the external conditions can be beneficial when adjusting the air conditioner.
Sleeping Hours: The body tends to be more comfortable in a cooler environment during sleep. Running the air conditioner at a lower temperature in the bedroom may improve sleep quality.
Balance: Adjusting the indoor temperature without creating significant differences with the outdoor temperature can help balance the body’s heating and cooling processes.
When adjusting the air conditioner for temperature and energy-saving purposes, it’s important to be mindful of the effects of significant temperature differences on the body. Excessively cold indoor temperatures can cause the body to chill and may lead to health issues. Therefore, when selecting an appropriate temperature, consider indoor comfort and your health as essential factors.